My Story

 UK Printmaker, Digital Illustrator & Crafter - creating eco friendly gifts and prints to make you smile!

I'm Jess, the artist behind Prints By Jess, a 25 year old who is inspired by nature and loves creating art. 

When I'm not working at my local pet shop or creating new art you can find me taking more inspiration from the local scenery around me. I live by the coast but I truly belong in a forest, its my favourite place and the source of most of my inspiration. I mostly create botanical lino prints, to which I design, hand carve and print myself in my home studio, I'm also experimenting with my digital illustrations printing onto 100% recycled paper.

I live at home with my family and our cat Wilbur.

My goal is to put my BA Fine Art Degree to good use and create beautiful, eco friendly gifts that you are excited to buy and share with your loved ones! The future goal is to have my own studio so I can teach!

What do you make?
⠀I make a range of eco friendly items from watercolour pieces to clay ornaments but here's just a small list of what you might find on my website:

~ Digital Prints

~ Lino Prints

~ Cyanotype Prints

~ Original Art Work

Eco Cards

~ Painted Fabric Garments & Bags

~ Mugs & Tea Towels

~ Journals & Stationery Items (Bookmarks, Writing Sets etc.)

~ Stickers

~ Acrylic Keyring's & Pins

~ Clay Ornaments 

What is your Lino Process?

I use a technique called Block printing, carving by hand into a rubber like material called Lino to create a stamp, to which I then transfer onto paper through a press to reveal the design. 

Why Are You Focused On Eco?

I am very passionate about our environment and the planet, so I like to do my bit with my prints and only use recycled, biodegradable and compostable items with my prints. I use recycled paper, water based inks (solvent free) alongside eco packaging from clear compostable bags to recycled postage bags, little changes can make a difference if we all make the changes together!

  • Printing Paper ~ We use 100% recycled paper for our prints, sourced from a UK supplier.
  • Printing Materials ~ We only use water based (solvent free) printing or fabric inks with our products.
  • Waste/Scraps ~ We try to reuse any extra or leftover scraps from the Lino cuts, creating mini stamps for less waste! Any paper waste will be reused as shredded paper for packaging.
  • Low Carbon Footprint ~ We only source from UK suppliers and try to source as close to home as possible to reduce our carbon footprint.
  • Every Item Proudly Handmade in the UK!


NEW Clothing Range!

I've always wanted my own clothing range... and now I do!

Made from 100% organic cotton and reused materials, I've decided to start up my own clothing shop with a company called Teemill. These guys are awesome as they are a UK company (based in the Isle of Wight) that are completely sustainable and use renewable energy to make our clothes!

Check out my link in the main menu called "Our Clothing Range" or the link bellow to explore what we have on offer, as well as some more in-depth information on the processes of the clothing that Teemill provide!

I hope you love my prints just as much as I love making them!
I would love to hear your thoughts!

Contact and follow me on my social media accounts:

Instagram: @prints_by_jess

Facebook: @printsbyjess 

Pinterest: @Prints By Jess

TikTok: @printsbyjess7